Tuesday, February 10, 2009

the last lecture

i've been on this inspirational splurge & i have to say although i believe that i am walking this thing called life the best way i can... i'm really not. i need to LIVE a bit more. i'm working so hard to ensure my future... but the irony of it all is that i worked toward a future that's not promised. as much as i rant & rally around about 'looking out for #1' we must never forget the best help you can give... & that's help you give to others. but looking out for '#1' doesn't mean be selfish but be aware of yourself & what i have learned after watching this clip from RANDY PAUSCH is that realize your childhood dreams. because when you are young the childhood wonder is so vast that we as adults should never forget it. its just so important & its what drives us. & through the journey of achieving these goals... you learn great lessons along the way.

we hear about dying people and their incredible will for life even after their predestined fate... but what's captivating about randy is that he didn't make the realize AFTER his diagnosis, he lives & lived what he preaches. & after this diagnosis he decides to share his way of living through this very well entitled 'last lecture' being that he was a professor, had so many accomplishments & was really dying. people i'm sure have read 'tuesdays with morrie' & if you haven't please do read it... or even watch the movie, but he would be equivelent to what morrie was in that book except that he did it in one mass lecture.

so please do if you have the 1hr & 20mins to spare take the time to watch this. yes, its talk about his childhood dreams but there is a greater lesson to be learned.

full lecture @ carnegie mellon university.

reprised version on oprah

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