Friday, October 31, 2008


from today. =]
you already know.

getting there..

if you don't know...

please do not cross me the wrong way. most of the time i am a happy person. i am a free spirit, up for anything and i try to keep a smile on my face. let me be the first to admit i do have trust issues. basically, i trust no one. i have come to learn that you trust yourself and let the absolute best of them get in. not completely but simply to take a peek. i always give a person the benefit of the doubt because every person deserves that much. so if i let you in, know that its a big leap for me. don't take my generosity lightly because the moment you betray me, believe that you are messing with the wrong woman.

by no means am i saything that, 'oh i'm too grown for this, too grown for that' because i still have a lot of years ahead of me. believe me when i say that i have been through the best of them. i have observed and experienced a fair share in my day. i am a lot more mature than the majority but don't get it twisted, i can & will get juivinille when needed. we all can get highschool here in there, but NOT all the time. there is nothing more that i hate than young minded people who live for the highschool, elementary type games. makes me sick to my stomache. honestly.

i have no sympathy. our life is in our own hands, so whatever situation that you are in... you have the choice to change it. so sick and so fed up with people complaining about their situations. complain to me about things and i will not be the person to sympathize and comfort you. my answer for you is, "well what are you going to do about it?" seriously, what are you going to do about it? you can do whatever it is you want in life. if you can dream it, YOU CAN DO IT. there is nobody stopping you in this world but yourself. so no sympathy.

i am fueled by being independent. my independence goes in so many aspects than just paying for my own things and getting mine. but also independent from needing anyone for anything. i rely on myself. i see to many people who rely on others and expect them to be a certain way and end up being let down. i have learned that lesson early on. so i might come off to be a strong character but i am just living independent. more people in this world should try it sometime. everything i do is FOR ME & BY ME. don't expect me be buying things for someone undeserving. "get it your own damn self" cause if you can't than you need to do something about it. sorry.

"you can't tell me nothing" unless you, yourself is doing something significant in your life. not to be rude or come off cocky but don't be quick to check the other person when you haven't checked yourself. i just hate hearing critiscim from a person who has nothing on me. lol seriously, NOT trying to be cocky, trust me. i'm all about being humble. but honestly, i can't stand people who are not doing a thing with their life, talk down to me.

we all judge one another. so don't tell me you do otherwise... we are all prejudice whether we believe it or not. but here's to smash some of those preconcieved notions that most can't begin to fathom about me.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

ponder this...

don't make someone a priority when they only make you an option.

lets sit and analyze this. i have seen so many people go thru this kind of situation and i must say it really bothers me. i see this a lot with relationships that involve matters of the emotion & heart. & the epidemic is likely to strike the females in the situation. they love & then they lose & then they simply can't shake it off. females are naturally more likely to get emotionally attached, its a given but where the picture goes wrong is where they allow themselves to stay in this predicament. love, lust & emotion can be so blind.

honestly, boys are very quick to play this game. the game of lies, deceit & broken promises. they will be the first to simply tell you what you want to hear. they manipulate till they get their way & what they want from you. then, at the end of the day you are disposable, irrelevant, & simply another weak minded female. you are milked for what you're worth & never replenished. you are used for your assets & always left high & dry. you are drained of all emotion & energy... & you get no time, no attention & no affection. majority of the time they get their cake AND eat it too. they will do everything in their power to keep you around & put you in that box that they have created. and most fall for it.

if all of your effort is not at least met halfway in the same regard then there is no point. i always go by the philosophy, "it takes effort to get effort." when all we do is give and always fall short to ever receive, realize that you are worth to receive the same in return. so, wake-up & smell the coffee. recognize the game and learn how to win or get out of it. at the end of it all, if you stay in it... you'll always be in it. you can tell yourself and others how much better you are & how you don't deserve this but do you really understand your words? it takes action & change to make it happen. there is nothing more than i hate than a female putting up the strong & independent front & turn right around and fall back to old habits. there are so many females who don't know their worth & don't know what they deserve. quit relying on these "boys" to give you meaning, affection or the time of day. look from within because the greatest love is your own. don't be afraid to be alone. have many of us really experienced being alone & not attached to anyone? no buddies, no boyfriends etc.? because time to yourself is time of realization.

& its time to realize you're better than these stupid boys. & i must say, they come in all ages. you got your young boys & your grown ass boys.

wise up ladies.

Monday, October 27, 2008

trouble sleeping.

& here's another late night post cause I can't sleep. I'm here laying in bed watching gridiron gang. I have the worst time sleeping now-a-days & I don't understand why.

So watching this movie has got me thinking about our youth & how some kids just simply fall into the wrong crowd. It just goes back to what I was saying before hand about 'birds of a feather flock together.' Sometimes in life you find people that inspire you, motivate you, encourage you & I have to say those type of people are hard to come by. Majority of crowds are already corrupted, into the wrong things, & going nowhere in life. But the problem with the youth now-a-days, actually with not just the youth but majority of people are into & focused on the wrong things.

The average young person is into 'what's crackin for the weekend', getting the better & the new, or every irrelevant type of mentality a person could think of. That kind of thinking rubs off & makes a young & naive mind subject to falling into the wrong crowd. It could be a gang or just the wrong group of people.

There needs to be more people in the world who think forward, stay positive & into taking care of themselves & the more important things in life.

I'm just tired of seeing so many youngins getting into the wrong crowds, falling for the hype of society & developing the weak mind sets. Lets help the youth... cause really, they are the future.



lol. seriously this was a jaymazing weekend. a weekend for jay. if you're friends can dedicate a whole weeekend for you... then there must be something great about you as a person. honestly, he is a great, caring, just simply all around person. =] my heart goes out to him. & i love him with my soul... seriously. such an inspiration to me & in my dance life he has been, but also to so many others. & regardless, all this hardwork will pay off in the end for him. i wish him all the best in the world & then some. <3

anyway, friday was jay's surprise at HOM and he truely was surprised. they say that he usually figures out all surprises but this one... he had no clue. man i'll upload the video later. pretty classic stuff. anyway, it has been so long since i had a night like that. & our 'pure table' was the funnest. ha! fun times with the skic, luckysis, semipro, footsies, regg, thuggie & jonathan. all i gotta say is two words.. blackberry merlot. ^_^ don't play. lol i'll be posting pictures laters. i'm just too lazy & no internet access on my laptop. stupid virus. anyway... all in all, GREAT NIGHT. =]

saturday, man i got no sleep. damn the cold. lol then went home & got ready for jay's "i'm leaving but i'll be back soon" picnic at desert bloom park. fun times there too. haha it was so funny cause they made jay perform all of his pieces he's ever done in his life time. even took it back to N'SYNC tearing up my heart days. MY LANTA! ha but definitely fun times. i love MECCAFORMFISCALS. lol what a family. then it was ms. jeka kalotkin's *GROOVE class. man good class. i totally could not get down the style but i had so much. THANKS JEKA! love youu! then after class it was off to HOM to kick it once again. =]

& sunday, was lazy ALLL DAY. i was planning to kick it with lo's betchass but someone wanted to wake up THREE IN THE AFTERNOON. what a day wasted! so he ended coming with me to get a present for my manager xochi. how i love her. i got her a pair of really cutesie pair of juice couture earrings. =] then wondered around boca with lo a bit then took his lazy behind home & met up with the hottie girls, then headed to bellagio to eat. we didn't end up eating there cause the line was a mile long what the heck!! so we walked our happy butts to PH then ate at the buffet there. & i must say crab legs for daaayss. i love me some crab! ha! man i walked out with a food baby & on the verge of a food coma. -_- seriously, not crackin. 

& now i'm home... getting over this food sickness. man oh man, that buffet gave a girl the BG's. lol!! damnit. but i'm better now. i got work in the AM then hifi with jaymazing one last time. =/ poopoocacashits. its gonna be a sad day in the life of hifi tomorrow. ha.

but, 18 MORE DAYS till the bigday. <3
that's all folks. GOODNIGHT & GODBLESS.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Ha! Clever huh? Lol I am just too excited just cause finally I can experience what this city is all about. Being underage and living in vegas is NOT crackin! Ha! But yeah, it seems like it was just yesterday I was giving ppl a yr in advance invite to celebrate with me! & now its just days away....

21 really marks a point in my life where change needs to happen. I'm a yr away from my goal of being done by 22 & here I am about to be 21 & no where near my goal. So change is inevitable for me... just see. But that'll be a different blog...


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

ladies & gentlemen...

mr. phillip geniza.

so in love with his work.

& just in case ya'll haven't seen this...

there you go. lol


one proud momma.

I had hifi rehearsal tonight & it was really a proud little moment of my directing days....

Tonight trinuh mamas came to rehearsal & I must say I've really missed her. Then ramey snuck away to come to rehearsal too! Man I gotta say, I have the most downest chicks! I love my vets!

Moving on... we had choreography assignments that was due today. They had a week or so to work on 4-5 8-counts to anything they wanted. To be honest, I was blown away by what the girls came with. Some girls were not choreographers, some have never attempted to do choreography before... let alone even dance on a team. But they brought it to me. These girls really do have a lot of potential. & they only can get better from here on out. & trust me, they will. I have vision & I am determined!

These girls have become such a big part of my life. I whole-heartedly enjoy their company & love their passion for dance. I really want to emphasize the fact that not only are we dancers on a team but also a group of females with a sisterhood. We are family first & a team second. & I really do feel like we getting there.

HifiLOVE forever. <3

Jay taught & trained us today & I must say... I will miss him. Such an amazing person, dancer, friend, mentor. My list goes on for him. He taught 'if you leave' & myyy lanta! I love it. Seriously. But next monday is his last day with us. & man oh man that one will be roughtastic. -_-

mazingsLOVE.<3 forever & ever. Truely.

Friday, October 17, 2008

wierd & scary

Its 630am & the wierdest thing happened about 40 mins ago...

So I slept fairly early last night because I was sick & pretty sleepy anyway. So I probably went to bed around 10ish & my mama woke me up around 12 for me to take my antibiotic. So I fall back asleep. Then I wake up again around 4am. So at this point I've already had about 6hrs of sleep & that's how much my body gets so its use to it.

I stay awake. Get on my kick a bit & then I finally try to go back to sleep & at this point its about 5ish. So I kinda fall back asleep & I remember dreaming... because I dreamt that I was in the club with lo's old ass. Ha. Anyway, I remember swishing noises towards the end of this dream...

So I kinda wake up and I still hear these swishing noises. It sounds like someone brushing something across a hard plastic hallway runner... it was so wierd. So I'm half awake & I get that feeling where your about to fall asleep. But all this time I'm still hearing these noises...

So I open my eyes again and I see my door & tonight my door was open because my mama had come in. Even though it was dark I still saw the hallway & stuff in my room. So I close my eyes again with these swishing noises still going...

& so I open my eyes again & see this dark figure. The only thing I can drescribe was that it was a black figure & it had a bald head & I remember it having kinda pointy ears. it was about halfway from the door & my bed. Then I closed my eyes and opened them again trying to see if it would go away but it didn't. At this point it was next to me on the floor of my bed facing me. I opened my mouth to call out for someone but nothing came out.

I shut my eyes and opened them and the figure started to kinda lay on the floor. It look like it was sinking trying to hide from me & at this moment the room got pitch dark for a few seconds and then the figure was gone.

I looked at my fone to see what time it was & it was 550am. I get up to look at the floor & I used the light from my fone to see but nothing was there.

It was so wierd. But it wasn't like I was super scared either. But I couldn't go back to sleep cause now all I'm worried about is hearing those swishing noises.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

bent, broken

& blistered. =/ but... still ballin'.

So I got this stupid blister on the bottom of my foot saturday night because of these boots I wore. So I stayed off my feet sunday but I worked mon-wed + ballin w. Hifi & Lo aka 'coach' did not help my foot. -_- it was kinda getting better but my stubborness & lo's no mercy for the injured caused it to get WORST! Now I can't put any pressure on it.

So I'm on my way to the doctor & on top of that I got a cough & a sickness & a wiggly wisdom tooth that hurts like a biatch! But I'll be seeing a dentist tomorrow hopefully. =/

But despite my stubborness about not staying off my feet I don't regret it. Cause ballin with my girls I absolutely love to do. They are so down & its great bonding times with my girlies. Plus, its great cardio & conditioning.

Also, its not that bad having the coach around. I must say I miss kickin it & just havin him around. Its such a shame how two people can fall out & totally change the whole relationship. -_- but yah I miss my semipro. Lol. How gay am I right now.

Anyway, good times ballin with my mamacitas + coach yesterday & dani mamas was crackin me up like crazy cause it was her first day back & her first time ballin. Lol.

Well thass all for now. -_-

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


lately, i recently got into watching 'kimora: life in the fab lane' & honestly i am so in love with this woman! at first i didn't know what to expect but honestly, everything she's about i totally dig. besides the dying love for all the brand names, cause i can care less about those type things.

anyways... they also played her E true hollywood story & man she really brought herself to where she is now. i mean she started modeling at a young age and got to experience the world. the heck!! i wish i was 6 foot, skinny ass body & ruling the runway. everything she had she got because she worked for it & got it her own damn self! 

she also didn't settle to be the classic hip hop wife. she got involve and granted most of her success wouldn't have happened without russel but hey, we all gotta start somewhere & find inspiration somehow. she took on baby phat & also took over phat farm, she's tapped into the jewlery business and also being a mother.

& on top of all that, she does not give a damn about what anyone has to say about her! she lives life on top cause she knows she can and also lives her life the way she wants. & that is what everyone woman should be. her own mogule, her own ruler, her own... sense of self. she's one of the many superwoman mogules in the world & she does it being fabulous. lol 

anyways, i am very much so inspired....

- finish school for nursing... its the fall back. =] 
- own my own dance complex... not just a studio but a full on complex!
- run a dope dance company ballet, hiphop, jazz, tap!
- start a dance program in high schools here in vegas.
- have my own dance competition & showcase show.
- own a boutique that reflects my style from the urban street to the couture chic
- get into fashion. design tees, dresses, couture, urban shii. =]
- start an agency for dancers, actors, singers etc.
.... i just want to do it ALL!

like i say... i'm a mogule in the making. & trust me i will be.

walk around with labels.

so i was talkin to mr. justin v. lets not reveal his full name... lol anyways we were talkin about boy & girl stuffies and he had updated me on this thing he had. so yeah, basically its back to past for her & moving on for him. lol he had asked me about boys & of course... NO BOYS ALLOWED. i deal with men, i'm done with the boys.

his & my situation just got me to thinking... why can't everyone just carry around labels with them? what i mean is, have everyone carry a card with them & just whip it out & it would have something like...
"i am a whackass doode"
"baby momma/baby daddy drama"
"crazy exgirl/boyfriend"
"trouble with the past"
"jealous & possessive"
"i love to play games"
"i'm a loser & i have no goals or ambitions"
"plays with people's emotions"
"trouble committing"
"i just want to 'do me' for now"
you know anything your mind can possibly describe a person's situation. & it would be the whole truth made up by the "real recognize real" type gods. haha

that would make things so much more easier on everyone. no need to invest the time, energy & emotion and then in the END you find out what that card could have told you in the beginning. haha.

eh, just a random thought. lol

Sunday, October 12, 2008


yup, i got it done.

the story:
i go to work yesterday and my coworker asks me to go with her to get her tounge pierced after work. but she said that she wanted me to get my tounge pierced too & i thought heyll no, i can't hide that shit from my parents. lol anyways.. i decided to get my nape pierced. so after work we go to diversity and sign in & pay. so there aint no turning back cause there is no refunds on this shiii. so i decide to go first, i sit down and the guy marks me up and then it was the moment of truth. he tells me to breath in... & breath out & then that suckkah pierced me! i felt it go in & go across my neck. it was a wierd stinging sensation but it wasn't too bad. & then before i knew it i was done! yayyy! now i'm totally considering getting a 3rd underneath the bar once it gets all healed up. that one is gonna be more tricky, where they gotta put in a plate & all that good stuff. but for that i'm going to a suuper specialist! haha

well all in all... i love it. <3

Friday, October 10, 2008

fe fi fo fom

sidekick icrime day. =]

my lanta how i loves the SKiC, bestie, roomie etc! lets not go on for days. ha my weekend will be full of activities with this little one. so since i couldn't make it to her little shindig tuesday because of caca work... we are spending tomorrow, my day off, together & runnin a muck on this city of ours. 

can i just reiterate that fact that i enjoy my times with my son here. lol honestly all of our moments have been REDICS! always full of laughter, shit talking, fashion, good talks, life goals, shopping, chillin, sleeping, being lazy behinds. MYY LANTA! the list goes on & on for days. but yes SKiC day will definitely will be one of them days with this girl.

1. eatery
2. buffalo
3. stratosphere!
4. park potluck

trust, i shall update tmrw with stuffsies & pictorals fosho.

but let us end in the wise words lexx....
"i'm so bored but i'm sleepy... but i'm too bored to sleep"


the perfect stranger

so a few weeks ago i went on my lunch break & walked my happy butt over to target. they have this little cafe there and you can buy foodsie and what now. anyways i was in line behind this lady & she had ordered first & then i ordered. anways, she sits down i get my drink & i was looking for a table to sit at & that lady offers me a seat at her table. so i thought to myself, "what the heck!" & i sit with her.

i thought it would be awkward and what not but it turned out to be a good lunch with a perfect stranger. we talked about life, school, work, her children etc. it was very refreshing to just sit and converse with someone new. afterwards as i was walking back to work and the whole encounter with this lady had me thinking...

everyday we live our lives in this box whether it be a big box or a small box, there just aren't that many people who can step out for a quick second to sit & have lunch with a stranger. we are so inhabited with our lives and we don't make an effort to reach out to another person. also, growing up the idea of 'don't talk to strangers' is carved into our brain that we apply that idea with everything in our life. straying away from strangers is one thing but it then also bring light into not being openminded about a lot of things. that ideal is put upon is for our saftey when we are young, but there should be a point where we know what "strangers" to stray away from & just learn to get to know one another.

well the moral of the story is... have lunch with a stranger. ha!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

death to all...


Floozie [n.] : a female who fits the typical mold of the senseless girl.

An individual who doesn't know how to say no & falls for all the tricks in the book. She stays around the boys for all the wrong reasons and tries too hard to stay cute. A female who protrays herself to be too damn pretty when all actuality she is just trying to sway her insecurities.

She is the homewreker by nature and intent & Snakes her way into everyones business. Shameless in all aspects of her life. Majority of the time you can find her with a posse of other females who are just like her.

A type of female who doesn't get a clue. Acceptance and popularity is what this kind of female strives for. She says a lot when it doesn't count, easily taken advantage of and the first to apologize but always sits and takes it. has no taste of self and swag. She is the perfect hype beast in more aspects than just the fashion trends.

She will be the first to scrutinize but will fail to check her own. The type of person to think they are mature but in reality is still stuck in the grade school mentality.

she is the type of a growing epidemic of female & in the present day makes up the majority.

Find a sense of self ladies & don't fall in the floozie epidemic.

trouble sleeping

Currently in bed on my sidekick. Testing to see if I can blog from my kick... well if this goes thru my test was a success! Ha.

Direct TV is poopoo! The signal always sucks & now I am stuck with no television. It is 3:22am [aww that reminds me of lexx-eye -- 322!! Lol] and I have no fresh prince or family matters to put my tired happy behind to sleep!! So I lay here wide awake in the dark with simply the light of sidekick & the little blue light from my Direct TV box that DOESN'T work. My lannta! This is defintely redics!!

10-4 slave @ work.
430-730 errends & nappage.
8-11 hifiLOVE.

Tomorrow's hifi time will defintely be interesting... rehearsal & no dancing? Hmm, sounds like conditioning!! I love my hifi beezys....

In life, we put forth effort in many different endevours. We commit time & energy... & most of the time, our efforts are rarley given back. Directing hifi is the one thing in my life where I put forth my time & effort... & the same effort is given back. It is a different view being a director but I certainly am eating up the experience! & as time passes, I live & I learn. hifiLOVE for sure. =]

Ughhh so here's my attempt to sleep.
The weary must rest. Good night.

birds of a feather...

definitely flock together.

awhile ago i have heard the phrase, "show me your friends and i'll tell you who you are." and how true is that statement. naturally we all connect with people who are like us in character, personality, goals, hobbies, likes & dislikes. so the people whom you surround yourself are a direct reflection on who you are as a person. 

environment plays a role in what stimulates us as human beings. being around negativity constantly, naturally brings a negative vibe in your life. so what you surround yourself with whether it be your friends, the work place, what you read, watch etc affects how you perform in life.

for me, your friends and people are a very big part of your environment. so who you're around and what kind of person they are rubs off on you as well. drive, ambition and work ethic is a very contagious thing when you surround yourself with people who hold those qualities. they say its lonely at the top... well, only because a small percentege of people hold such driven type qualities in them. 

basically, if you hang around losers, unambitious, reactive not pro-active type people... well, you're likely to be one of their kind or likely to become one of them.

surround yourself with success and people who strive for it... you yourself will be successful. 

Tuesday, October 07, 2008



I decided to start a blog for the sake my of my SIDEKICK iN CRIME. haha which by the way is her 18th birthday today!!! yayyy! i just can't be lieve this bitz is finally legal!

lemme get into the mushy stuff first... ms. alexis michelle bautista, i am so blessed to have this little mamasita in my life. seriously me & her have had the best of times & the bestest of times, cause seriously there haven't been any bad times with her. she's like the little sister that i never had. we ran a muck with one another, been thru all the boy bullchit, the shopping, the dancing. oh, the dancing... she totally inspires me when it comes to dance. she's my dance partner, class partner, workshop partner.... my partner for it all! haha & now that she's in a new chapter in life she has many things that lie ahead of her. she's talented, beautiful & a charismatic character. there is nothing in this world that she can't conquer. your future is bright lex! so forget all the drama that boys might bring, the hardships that family has to offer & the burdens that friends put upon you cause in the end you are superwoman.... just like me. =] ha! i will be here for you till the end of my days SKiC and i know you'll be there for me. i love you beyond words & extremely greatful & blessed to have such a great person like you in my life. thanks for being you. & HAPPY BIRTHDAY!