Tuesday, October 21, 2008

one proud momma.

I had hifi rehearsal tonight & it was really a proud little moment of my directing days....

Tonight trinuh mamas came to rehearsal & I must say I've really missed her. Then ramey snuck away to come to rehearsal too! Man I gotta say, I have the most downest chicks! I love my vets!

Moving on... we had choreography assignments that was due today. They had a week or so to work on 4-5 8-counts to anything they wanted. To be honest, I was blown away by what the girls came with. Some girls were not choreographers, some have never attempted to do choreography before... let alone even dance on a team. But they brought it to me. These girls really do have a lot of potential. & they only can get better from here on out. & trust me, they will. I have vision & I am determined!

These girls have become such a big part of my life. I whole-heartedly enjoy their company & love their passion for dance. I really want to emphasize the fact that not only are we dancers on a team but also a group of females with a sisterhood. We are family first & a team second. & I really do feel like we getting there.

HifiLOVE forever. <3

Jay taught & trained us today & I must say... I will miss him. Such an amazing person, dancer, friend, mentor. My list goes on for him. He taught 'if you leave' & myyy lanta! I love it. Seriously. But next monday is his last day with us. & man oh man that one will be roughtastic. -_-

mazingsLOVE.<3 forever & ever. Truely.

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