Monday, October 27, 2008

trouble sleeping.

& here's another late night post cause I can't sleep. I'm here laying in bed watching gridiron gang. I have the worst time sleeping now-a-days & I don't understand why.

So watching this movie has got me thinking about our youth & how some kids just simply fall into the wrong crowd. It just goes back to what I was saying before hand about 'birds of a feather flock together.' Sometimes in life you find people that inspire you, motivate you, encourage you & I have to say those type of people are hard to come by. Majority of crowds are already corrupted, into the wrong things, & going nowhere in life. But the problem with the youth now-a-days, actually with not just the youth but majority of people are into & focused on the wrong things.

The average young person is into 'what's crackin for the weekend', getting the better & the new, or every irrelevant type of mentality a person could think of. That kind of thinking rubs off & makes a young & naive mind subject to falling into the wrong crowd. It could be a gang or just the wrong group of people.

There needs to be more people in the world who think forward, stay positive & into taking care of themselves & the more important things in life.

I'm just tired of seeing so many youngins getting into the wrong crowds, falling for the hype of society & developing the weak mind sets. Lets help the youth... cause really, they are the future.

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