Friday, October 10, 2008

the perfect stranger

so a few weeks ago i went on my lunch break & walked my happy butt over to target. they have this little cafe there and you can buy foodsie and what now. anyways i was in line behind this lady & she had ordered first & then i ordered. anways, she sits down i get my drink & i was looking for a table to sit at & that lady offers me a seat at her table. so i thought to myself, "what the heck!" & i sit with her.

i thought it would be awkward and what not but it turned out to be a good lunch with a perfect stranger. we talked about life, school, work, her children etc. it was very refreshing to just sit and converse with someone new. afterwards as i was walking back to work and the whole encounter with this lady had me thinking...

everyday we live our lives in this box whether it be a big box or a small box, there just aren't that many people who can step out for a quick second to sit & have lunch with a stranger. we are so inhabited with our lives and we don't make an effort to reach out to another person. also, growing up the idea of 'don't talk to strangers' is carved into our brain that we apply that idea with everything in our life. straying away from strangers is one thing but it then also bring light into not being openminded about a lot of things. that ideal is put upon is for our saftey when we are young, but there should be a point where we know what "strangers" to stray away from & just learn to get to know one another.

well the moral of the story is... have lunch with a stranger. ha!

2 comments: said...

lol now i don't feel so strange for randomly saying hi to people i walk past on the street.!!

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of working at Starbucks, because everyday I encounter so many strangers... but in my eyes, they are never strangers once they walk in the door, they're guests. And the ones that come in every so often no longer become guests, but our friends, of all ages, shapes, sizes, & color. From work, I've learned to become friendlier and more courteous than ever to strangers. A smile can simply make someones day! Even a "Hi" or "How are you" can turn everything around! It feeels so amazing! You get to meet so many people and your world definitely opens up.