at work today we were talking about classic movies. we touched on disney, the good classics & i brought up "the little princess". man i seriously love this movie. its been so long since i've seen it but it goes down in my book as my favorites. this along with the secret garden. who doesn't love these movies? but yeah, i'm going to have to purchase this movie in the near future cause i NEED to have it in my collection of dvds.
so if you haven't seen this movie yet.... do yourself a favor & go watch it!
recently i have been OBSESSED with fall out boy's "america's suitehearts" song. why? i just don't know. it has been a long while since i've liked anything from fall out boy.... shoot since their "take that to your grave" album! ha. but after hearing this song it really gave me that feel from back then. ehh its on my myspace, i jam out to it whenever its on at work, i listen to it basically every chance i get. just so i can play it out & move on with my life.
oh fall out boy, how i have thought you will never captivate me with your music & you pull out a radio hit that i actually like. lol. anyways, along with the obsession with the song, i'm obsessed with patrick stump, the lead singer. nerdy but hey, i just adore him.
i was snooping around on le love and they had posted about this blog called "days with my father." its about this woman who has a father that's 98 years old and has no short term memory. her mother recently died & he has no recollection of her death & she had to constantly remind him about it. but eventually she just stopped explaining and told him she was off in paris. but anyway... this blog is about their days left together. i've read a hand full of entries and its so sad. it really got me to thinking about my loved ones & how long i really do have with them. so i thought i'd share. so go ahead & read on! =]
its a sleepy day at the house today. picked up my favsie baby mariyah this morning before school. my parents love her to pieces, they light up whenever i get her. so i was doing some stuff & i walk out & see all 3 of them knocked out downstairs. its such a sight to see. lol
don't have much to talk about so yeh... that's the 2 cents for the day.
MAKE SURE TO COME TO *GROOVE THIS SATURDAY! PAUL ROSS of FORMALity SD will be teaching. i am sure you won't want to miss this!
& this weekend as well the lovely christine kim, my favs katarina bondoc & bboy extraordinaire jimmy pham will be coming as well! i am sooo excited because i loves these people oh so much & its always a pleasure to be in their presence. so let the party commence come friday! yayyyy!
this past weekend we had our first charity class at groove. it benefited hifi LV's very own dayna dalisay's cousin who was diagnosed with cancer and has a fund that all the proceeds went to. it was a very chill class. it was something different from what we've been encountering recently at groove. such a powerful piece & i am so blessed to have this mama on hifi. i am so inspired by her. less go dayna!
right side, black shirt & grey sweats. ha i'm a mess but whatev!
for the most part i could really care less about what people think of me. i have learned that no body's opinion matters but your own. you can't change anyone but only simply yourself. so when words break out that question my character, my abilities, my personality etc it really does not bother me. besides my opinion, i only care about the opinions of the people that matter most to me. when it boils down to it, words may be thrown out but words themselves have lost all meaning to me anyway. no one articulates, think their words out, & slang has become an epidemic words have no value anymore, but that's beside the fact. i am completely aware of my flaws, my capabilities, my limits, etc. for opinions to knock me down it would be a great feat.
those who have been around me past, present & future will attest to my character. i am imperfect and that's what i like to be. we are all only human. the people who have BEEN around & will continue to stay in my life know who i am, what i am capable of & all my weaknesses. in all actuality, that's all who needs to know the "real me."
i chose my affiliations wisely. i only associate with the best of them. i am a firm believer that if you surround yourself with success and people who strive for it, you yourself will be successful. [i posted this in another blog] so if be assured that i will not be seen mingling with people i am not too fond of. =]
with all that said... i am imperfection to the tee. hahaha
please, check yourself before you go and check others. one must be honest with themselves as well as to others.
that's what most people in this world are lacking.
... new layout i was getting tired of the madness i had going on & frankly i prefer this new minimalistic look anyway. this way, you can never get tired of anything cause there's nothing going on except your blog & its contents. that's what these things are suppose to accentuate anyway, right? whatev.
its almost 3AM and why am i still awake?! i have work in approximately 7 hours and here i am dilly dallying on blogger. ha! this is why sicknesses get worst & not better. lack of sleep.
i would just like to quickly elaborate on the post above. i wasn't going to go in any further detail but hey since i'm wasting my time i might as well. i heard some disturbing news earlier this evening and its got me a little on the irritated end. i simply hate when people have the nerve to speak on others when they fail to realize their own flaws. whether it may be their personality, actions, ethic, abilities, etc. the plain fact is that people forget to be honest with themselves. ugh! that's all i'm going to speak on with that because i'll just get even more annoyed.
*** a word to the wise, please come to me with any and every problem pertaining to me. i don't need to hear it from a third party source. thanks & have a great day.
i cannot get enough of him. too fierce. can't wait till his classes start at rock! i will definitely be there before groove fosho. he's also working with the hifi mamas. so we are mos def excited! i love love love jawwww!
girlies. [black sweats & white shirt] i'm a messssss. -_-
sunday: URBAN LEGENDS - DAY 2 it was bananassss! here goes the recap: Mike Song: WHAT. THE. FUTCH. seriously, how sick can he get. i've always been a fan of his & big time [pre abdc] kaba fan. so to finally, after all this time i get to take from him... wow. i love to think i can do that kind of stuff... but in actuality, i suck! ha! but i try. his piece was so much fun to do tho, definitely something different.
ps: kaba came to surprise me at my debut about 3 years ago. & mike song came along my favs from kaba at that time... jia, cindy, clarizel, cio, mikey, rogel, allibons, ughh i can't remember the rest.. BUT! he totally remembers! & i thought that was cool. after all this time. =] & he knows be by full name. ha! crazeh. that made my day.
in the second group. -_- lol why oh why would erik put that clip up. please excuse the mess! ha!
LUAM: I AM SO IN LOVE WITH HER! honestly, she is stuuupid [& that's meant in a good way]. omg i love her teaching style. & her 'take it as direction not choreography' philosophy. i mean she really just gave the liberty to feel & dance with her class. i loved that east coast vibe she gave. & it definitely feels soo good to finally be able to just DANCE like that. it really felt like that's how the song would look like if it were concrete. & her teaching 1 & a half pieces. soooo sick. =] i'll let the video speak for itself. but honestly, i need more of that & her!
i'm in the very last group! white shirt & grey sweats. =]
Lyle Beniga: so he really is as reeediiiccccsss as he is in his videos. i really could not get that dance for my life! sooo fast, intriquet movements, etc! geeeezus. lord help me. but man suuuch good training he has been one of my faves so it was amazing to take from him. hopefully next time, i'll be more well equipt & prepared to learn. ughhh! he makes me want to improve, improve, improve!
oh & lyle & his girlfriend's dog charlie is soooo cute!!!!!!
ps! these japanese guys ARE AMAZING! i wanna be japanese! lol
after the workshop : stayed & watched luam teach hifi & form. couldn't learn it because we had to talk to erik about things. but yeah. =] i really appriciate this company for all that it is. the opportunity, the training, & most importantly the people. so many talented, well rounded, amazing dancers on this company, its so inspiring. & i thank god each and everyday for giving me such a family to be a part of. i am alway reminded on how blessed i am to have such an amazing gift everytime i am around these people. =]
so to end this blog... i'll end on this note.... oh dmagic. lol! one of my favorite memories from the trip. =]
friday: 1st day hands down this has been one of the most amazing dance experiences i have been through as of late. got in to san diego friday night & jumped right into rehearsal. i got put into joey's group & i have to say that i LOVE joey. his piece was long & i was having a bit of trouble but i always enjoy his stuff, so much fun to do. & then learned a piece from kevin & i was having the worst time with that! omg i could not get it. & it was taught pretty fast for my learning capabilities. then we had this intense session of groups / pairing. & i got called up with christank & i was so nervous. wtfutch. she's amazing too! but i did poopoo tho. lol
then hung out with everyone after & it was soo much fun. i got to meet the aftermath girls & they are suuuper dope! i miss & love everyone in SD. =]
saturday: URBAN LEGENDS - DAY 1 um... can i say CRAZY. this was my first big workshop since no props 2 years ago. like seriously. such an amazing experience. & i love the training. i need to come out more often. so lets do a recap: harry shum :: amazing. his class was suuper fun. the song was random but it was definitely a feel good type routine. i really loved & enjoyed his choreography. i need more of that.
toy box :: seriously, you gotta love this guy. i mean i love him. haha but his stuff is always so crazy. & i can't do the house type stuff. but man it was such an experience learning all in its own. 14 8-COUNTS! wtfutch! who does that? toybox. lol i sucked so bad but hey it was so much funnnn.
PS. LESS GO ARNEL!! DO EXTRA WORK! david moore :: wow & wow. i love his choreography. i admire is teaching style. & suuch an amazing instructor, really. i really had fun with this cause it gave me liberty to just DANCE. and when i learn routines that let me do that... i fall in love. & this routine really felt good. =] i gotta get this guy out to groove for sureeeee. PS his assitant sophia!!!!! she so sick, she diseased!
another thing with david... he taught form & hifi after urban legends as well & oh man. againnnn it made me love him even moore <-ha. =]
i'll update the 2nd day when vids come up. && also, i'll update highlight pictures from the trip to put up =] HOLLER! EKetcLOVE <3>
So its 140am on a monday morning. Just got done with an AMAZING weekend filled.. Wait, correction OVER FLOWED with dance. I haven't dance this much in a short amount of time since... full out? Ha! Anyway, on the way back to vegas right now & not even at barstow! Woww. But I'm on my sidekick trying to pass time.
I have work @ 10am & a meeting @ 5pm. So much to do tmrw & ITS THE BACHELOR SEASON FINALE! I'm ready!