Wednesday, July 08, 2009

major change

i've been so torn with my career path for a a bit now but 2 nights ago i finally realized what i want to do. life is too short for regrets & doing things we don't want to do. so i've decided to change my major for school. hence the blog title. it goes both ways, a change of my school major & a big change in my life. lol. =] this is a pretty big risk for me simply because nothing is certain at the end of this journey but i'm willing to make the leap.

i'm going to take *groove seriously & really make it a business for myself. i believe that this is my calling & my future. so we'll see what this has in store for me. i'm scared, unsure, faithful & excited all at the same time.

nursing to business... mm hmm.

1 comment:

Christine said...

you do what your heart tells you to.

miss u too.