Friday, October 09, 2009

a messssss

lexi's party
- still need chairs
- still need to get food
- still need candles
- still need to decorate
- still need to get a set for hifi [ i might have to back down ]

- block 2 more pieces
- finalize mix
- make & finish ALL transitions
- buy pants, shoes & shirt

- study for accounting quiz
- study for small business management lecture test
- read 2 chapters for accounting
- read for business 101
- work on 3rd test for mgt103
- contact guest speakers

full out
- choreography for full out opener
- figure out ride situations
- rent cars
- figure out accommodations

** where am i going to find the time for all of this? i don't even know if i'll have enough money. they say don't build the bridge until you get to the river & sometimes the river might turn out to be a creek or the damn Mississippi. at this point, i can't tell what my river is but by the looks of things it might be the nile. okay, maybe thats far fetched but i feel like a complete & total mess. i've tried to get my life together but its hard for me to full get focused. there's a lot on my plate & i don't think that my belly is big enough.

something has definitely got to give. i'm really thinking about reducing my hours at work lets hope i get through. please lord help through this month & especially the next week. i have complete & total faith that you well help cross this river. pray for me. -_-

1 comment:

janelstar said...

aw..mamas. i love how you make these attempts to be jesus! ur doing great things..but honey! you've done SO MUCH already..for once think of yourself. just take one day to just drop your shit and go missing for ONE day. quit worrying about that crap. you'll feel better. your list is just to long for you to conquer on your own. either you ask for help or you start CUTTING SOME SHIT DOWN WOMAN!!!! lol ;) see you tomorrow.