Thursday, November 06, 2008


Fuels the individual.

My lanta... I'm going to be 21 in 8 DAYS! Jem turned 21 on the 2nd, big booty steph turned on the 4th! Ugh, the babies are FINALLY getting grown. Ha! I was talking to jem about my birthday weekend & mayn oh man I am really getting excited! But I can't help but think back on how young we use to be & only talked about the day we would be turning 21 & HERE IT IS!! Anyway, So here's the tentative agenda:
Thursday -- tryst @ midnight!
Friday -- LAX? Maybe.
Saturday -- COCKTAIL PAARTAY!!! ^_^
Sunday -- body english
... all I can say is... they aint ready.

Anyway... I have been thinking a lot lately. Thinking about where I am in my life, where I want to be, & how I'm going to get there. But really though, after I turn 21 & for the rest of this year up untill the semester starts I am going to be living it up! I'm going to be doing enough partying for the how long. Because once school starts back up... my life will be, school, work, dance & gymlol. & there really won't be time for any extraneous activities. Hm, it kinda sucks but I'll still be seeing the people who matter most to me. They're all that matter anyway.

So here are my first steps... apply for national university, plot out my road to their nursing program, retake classes & raise my gpa @ csn, ALSO minor in some business classes. I've always wanted to take business because of groove & my future plans with dance I need to be business savy. Like I said, I'm a mogule in the making. seriously, watch me. =] but yes definitely more academics in my very near future.

speaking on another change, so yes.. I have been gyming it & watching my diet. & as a result I've dropped some weight. & I gotta say, it feels wonderful. Starting to feel more comfortable in my own skin. Don't get me twisted I have embraced my thickness & I am not ashamed. But now-a-days I'm thick & getting right & tight. But trust more work to be done. Ha. Only down fall... my boobs are getting smaller. -_- poop. Its okay its time my girls get smaller. Lol I'm a bit tired of the attention I get because of them. Tired of niggas staring at my boobs when they talk to me. Ha anyway... a slimmer daffi is yet to come! & once I get there its off to get a gogo night job! Now that I'll be 21 I can, Ughh son!

ALSO, yay for change for america. =] I really was not into the election, but I am just glad that a change is to come. Show me what u got obama.

Ughh, trouble sleeping once again. Blog more laaaterz, even tho I've already wrote a novel. Lol niiiiight!

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