Tuesday, December 16, 2008

indulging in guilty pleasures

wow. it has been AGES since i have blogged. believe me, i've tried to get to it... but it just ends up being put on the back burner. =/ this has been such an addiction for me since i started it, thanks to lexi MY BEST FRAAN, but i've since been indulging in some new found guilty pleasures. i'm not going to exactly say what it is but i have been preoccupied for the last week & even ate up my weekend.

i've been distraught since i've found this new found pleasure... please, do not think anything all nasteh, lol because its not. lets just say i've been reading. try & pry any information other than that & expect to be disappointed, simply because... 'i'll never tell'. =] really though i have been massively indulging myself in this recent discovery for literature. its kind of odd, i have to say, but i am completely PROUD of myself for it. i haven't really sat myself in front of, nor paid much attention to television this past week either.

i've been through 2 books already. it started at target. they have books there that are resonably priced. & i've been in their best seller section making a list of books i would be like to purchase, as soon as i acquire the money to do so. in reslut of this new fasination, i have neglected many things.... such as myspace, youtube, blogging etc. everything seems so mind rotting since i've been indulging in my new hobby. reading takes patience & that is definitely something i need to work on. so this is helping me do so. =]

so since my start of my reading spree i have made myself a promise...
that from here on out, i would read. i would always be indulging myself in some kind of literature that i enjoy reading. school is fast approaching its return to my life & i will be busy with that, but this promise is to have me read outside the required reading i would be doing for school. ew, school. -_- lol

& there it is... the blog entry that was long over due.
ha. as if anyone really cares to read. =]

prelude was amazing. i love seeing the eketc family. it was a pleasure to see familiar faces that i have come to know in the dance community. =] dance is good, friends are doing great, & the homies... well they're being homies. && i'm also kind of lost in a sense of all the mess this end of the year is bringing. BUT i shall blog on that subject matter later. if i ever even get around to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's amazing the kind of quiet satisfaction we find in solitude sometimes, isn't it? you, some comfy sweats, a good book, and a comfortable place to sit. you get lost in the words you're reading which in turn become your temporary world. oh the joys of recreational reading! :)

ps. i think reading blogs count to a certain extent. delving into the inner workings of a person, whether it be insightful or just a recollection of their day's activities, is still reading!

pps. it was great to see you at prelude. you my lady, are a beautiful person.