definitely flock together.
awhile ago i have heard the phrase, "show me your friends and i'll tell you who you are." and how true is that statement. naturally we all connect with people who are like us in character, personality, goals, hobbies, likes & dislikes. so the people whom you surround yourself are a direct reflection on who you are as a person.
environment plays a role in what stimulates us as human beings. being around negativity constantly, naturally brings a negative vibe in your life. so what you surround yourself with whether it be your friends, the work place, what you read, watch etc affects how you perform in life.
for me, your friends and people are a very big part of your environment. so who you're around and what kind of person they are rubs off on you as well. drive, ambition and work ethic is a very contagious thing when you surround yourself with people who hold those qualities. they say its lonely at the top... well, only because a small percentege of people hold such driven type qualities in them.
basically, if you hang around losers, unambitious, reactive not pro-active type people... well, you're likely to be one of their kind or likely to become one of them.
surround yourself with success and people who strive for it... you yourself will be successful.
This is so true... :P LOVE YOU SIS!
i agree tooo. i'm about to post th is in my blog. geezez woman.
fuckkk i hate blogs im so addicted and love to see what my friends are up to =)
hey mommas.. you hit the nail on the head w. this one & the sad thing is i don't think people even realize how true this is... oh well their loss
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